How do I schedule training?

Sign up as a student account and schedule your periods.  This is a great way for you to become familiar with how your customers will use your site.

What if I can't make my training session?

We understand you may need to reschedule.   Just give us at least 24 hours notice so your navigator can fill the time with another client.   Anything after 24 hours may incur a no-show fee UNLESS you've got a really good story to tell when we meet up again why you couldn't make it. 

Is there a late cancellation policy?

We debated about this and decided yes, there is a $25 no-show/late cancellation policy if you can not make a training session and do not let us know 24 hours in advance.  I honestly can't recall any of our eager clients blowing off a training session, leaving us hanging. They want to get using the software as soon as possible.

If they did stand us up, it was probably for a good reason and we would have forgiven it. 

You know what its like when a student is a no-show, sometimes its legit and you write it off, and sometimes the 'lil stinker just wanted to go play video games with his buddies than take a lesson.

How many training sessions can I have?

With the full training package, you'll have a minimum of 5-8 hours available to you.  Some sites may require more training in order to go live.  Those are typically when we are working on sites that require a student data import.   But don't worry, you will get all the training you need before going live at no additional cost. 

Can I have others in my office join my training session?

Yes, forward the zoom link to any staff member who wants to join in the training session.  HOWEVER, we prefer that the primary admin and your navigator get the basic setup worked on before we had more cooks in the kitchen.   By the time you get to the Blue Section on your flowchart, that's a good time to bring in additional staff members for training.

I forgot my username or password. How do I get in?

Follow the same steps your customers will take.  Click the login link and then the link for "forgot username or password?"   Enter the email address you used to sign up for training and then check your email for a link to log in.

What happens to my student account once my training is complete?

Once training is complete, your student account is marked inactive.

I've hired a new staff member, can I schedule training for them?

Absolutely.  Sometimes it happens. You have an awesome admin who knows your software inside and out and then all of a sudden life changes on a dime.

Your new admin is excited to get started but has no clue what to do. You'll be assigned one of our navigators to guide them through so you can run your business just as smoothly as before.

We want your new admin to hit the ground running. That's when you want to sign them up for the New Admin training package.

My instructors need training can they sign up for periods as well?

Yes, instructors can schedule time as well.  At registration, please have them enter your driving school name where it asks for High School so we know what company they represent.  They should sign up for the New Instructor Training package.

Your software just released new features can I sign up for special training for help on the new features?

Every new release will have a video you can access in your admin center.  I generally outline the features in detail.  However, if you have watched the video and still need assistance, contact with a detailed description of where you need help.

How much does it cost to sign up for the training?

While you are going through your initial setup, there is no cost for your training sessions.  We only ask that if you schedule a time and do not show up or cancel within the 24 hour period, you will be charged an no-show/late cancelation fee of $25.   This fee must be paid in order to book time with our navigators.  Please be sure to give your navigator plenty of notice if you can not make your appointment so they can share their time with other clients eagerly awaiting to go live like you.