Have you hired a new administrator or instructor? Let our staff train your staff how to use the software correctly so your reporting is accurate.

  • Admin Training

    Your administrator training will cover topics related to your daily routine, including:

    • Help with student registrations
    • Create courses and periods
    • Change student packages and courses
    • Take attendance
    • Send form letters
    • Take payments and adjust ledgers
    • Manage paperwork
    • Create discounts for special offers

    Please Note: This package is for existing clients only. If you are a new client, sign up for Setup Training. When you schedule your training sessions, times are listed in Central Standard Time (CST).

  • Instructor Training

    Your instructor's training will cover the topics related to their daily routine, including:

    • Loggin into the software
    • Reset their password
    • Check their schedule
    • Take attendance
    • Provide written feedback for parents
    • Cancel a period and notify students

    Some settings in the software allow your driving school to limit what your instructors are allowed to do. We focus our training on the areas of the software that specifically relate to them. Please be sure your instructor knows if they can:

    • Create their schedule
    • Book students in a period
    • Claim a student to become their exclusive instructor

    It's best to have group instructor training sessions instead of training each instructor separately. We also prefer that each instructor has a computer. If you will share a screen, please have each instructor join the meeting with audio on their phones (with earbuds) so they can participate in the conversation. When everyone is sharing one microphone, it can be difficult for your navigator to hear.

    Please Note: When you schedule your training sessions, times are listed in Central Standard Time (CST).